Our Days...Picture Edition


Some pictures of what goes on during our days....

Dance class-getting measured for her recital costume
Alderwood mall fun

Praying and singing songs with her dolls-Leah & Dolly
Wearing her bike helmet in the car-because she likes to be extra safe
Watching "Tiger" with Leah-who has to have her 2 bottles at all times
More Mall fun

Sleepy puppies

Playing with bubby
Reading books
Sitting in sissy's chair with blanket and doing some thumb sucking

My baby girl turns 3 in two months! 3 years old. Cannot believe it.

1 comment:

Indie Grace said...

Baby Girl is growing up toooo fast but she did tell me last weekend that even when she was as old as Tee she would still be my Baby. Love, love, love.