16 Weeks


Yesterday, I went in for my 16 week appointment.  The doc said everything still looks good and on track.  I'm still feeling pretty good and craving fruit...and McDonald's; just tired all the time.  It takes me a little longer to get up and ready for work...at 5:30am in the morning.

The exciting news the doc told me is we'll find out the gender of baby at my next appointment on November 2nd.  Tim and I can't wait!  If you know us well...or at all, you know we're both planners.  We like to have everything planned ahead on our schedules and we try to be everywhere on time.  We know a kid will change this..immensely...but at least we can know ahead of time what gender the baby is.  We're planning to do a "gender neutral" nursery anyway.  But we're still excited to know what baby is so we can decide on a name!

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