Madelyn: 6 1/2 Years Old


Sweet kiddo,

You are 6 1/2 and so proud of it!  We went to Gondolier to celebrate and eat cheesy pizza and have some cake.  You loved it!!

Madelyn Joy, you have grown up so much in the last 6 months.  Learning so much everyday, acting older, getting taller, you have your first pair of heel boots and are so excited about wearing them.  They make your legs look really long!  Growing up so fast.

You weigh 44 lbs and 45.5 in tall

Currently in size 6t tops, pants and dresses.  Size 12/13 shoes.  Your favorite clothes are still dresses, skirts and your new fringe boots!

Your favorite foods are pizza, mac and cheese, fruit and anything with sugar

Going to sleep at night around 7pm, some days earlier when it's been a long day at school

Some of your favorite activities are dancing, swimming, bike riding, soccer, jumping on the trampoline, eating, playing with your brother, coloring, homework and playing with friends.

You absolutely love 1st grade.  You'll come home from school and do "homework".  Which you don't have to do, but say it makes you smarter. 

You've started gymnastics this fall and are having fun with it!  You're asking to take dance as well, but we're waiting til after Christmas to start that if you're still interested.







 Happy 6 1/2th birthday pretty girl!

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