Mimi and Papa's Visit


Tim's parents came up to visit over the past couple weeks.  Madelyn, Tim, the pups and I had a great time with them.  They were a huge help!  It was our VBS week so we were busy busy.  Mimi and Papa watched Madelyn while Tim and I were at work and running errands after work.  At our VBS, 13 kiddos received Christ as their Savior.  PTL!!  We also had scheduled a "Night at the Park" that we have done the past couple summers with our church, but it was canceled due to rain.  We have another one scheduled at the end of August....pray for sun!

This was Madelyn's life while Mimi and Papa were here....

MJ with Papa

 sleeping at the park

Tim and I playing volleyball at the park

Madelyn decided to wake up and watch mom and dad

our little family

Evening with Tom and Izzy

MJ with Mimi

Hanging with Papa again

Photo shoot with Mimi

At the VBS Carnival with Dad

VBS Carnival with Mom and Dad

VBS Carnival with Dad and Mimi

MJ's first Sonic trip!!

Thank you Mimi and Papa for coming to visit!!


1 comment:

Rae Ann said...

Mimi and Papa look good!!!:) Glad VBS was such a success. Send your cool weather to Arkansas!!!!!